to start mowing the lawn on a sunday? all of my neighbors are pretty old and have probably been up for 3 hours anyway, but i don't want to piss anyone off.
5/18/2008 9:11:59 AM
10 is the earliest i would when i had a landscaping buisnessor when i heard someone else mowing
5/18/2008 9:14:24 AM
I thought this thread was gonna be about drinking.
5/18/2008 9:17:14 AM
people started mowing at 8:30 yesterday... i didn't know if people were praying or something since it's sunday.
5/18/2008 9:18:47 AM
old people do nothing but sleep. Therefore every moment of the day is too early.
5/18/2008 9:21:01 AM
^old people wake up at like 4am man
5/18/2008 9:38:53 AM
most old people sleep less.
5/18/2008 9:56:05 AM
the whole i'll sleep when i'm dead mentality
5/18/2008 10:00:03 AM
Piss people off because of the noise or because Sunday is a day of rest?
5/18/2008 10:31:11 AM
old people don't sleep because they know if they are awake they aren't dead.
5/18/2008 10:34:52 AM
There are also a significant number of old people that show signs of life and death, but we consider them alive.
5/18/2008 10:38:45 AM
You're probably gonna piss a lot of the old people off no matter what time you start mowing because they have that "Sunday is the day of rest and we do no labor on Sunday" mindset.
5/18/2008 11:05:21 AM
i'd dont mow before 2PM
5/18/2008 11:32:48 AM
You wouldn't have this problem if you mowed at 11 last night.
5/18/2008 11:48:51 AM
get completely trashed and then mow. Take pictures of your yard after so we can see the patterns and trails
5/18/2008 11:52:52 AM
hahahha.. that's the plan, mowing the lawn sucks unless you're under the influence of something fun.
5/18/2008 12:13:32 PM
5/18/2008 1:02:58 PM
5/18/2008 1:06:26 PM
^ ha
5/18/2008 1:12:04 PM
I feel like its usually safe to mow around 9:30-10. I usually head outside around 9:30, and actually probably fire up the mower around 10, after ive removed tree debris and stuff from the yard to prep for mowing.
5/18/2008 1:46:47 PM
omfg, the lawnmower is broken... but i did pull up all of the tall shit. and in 24-48 hours, my whole body is going to be one giant rash. :x
5/18/2008 2:43:07 PM
5/18/2008 2:46:16 PM
I'd say before 7:30 or 8:00. Any later it starts getting hot and not good for the grass.
5/18/2008 2:46:40 PM
5/18/2008 2:51:02 PM
whats wrong with the lawnmower
5/18/2008 2:51:34 PM
13/f/nc here...any1 wanna chat?
5/18/2008 2:56:13 PM
^ lol
5/18/2008 2:59:36 PM
5/18/2008 3:01:03 PM
hahahaha... that blonde ronald mcdonald looking thing wins.i am pretty sure it's the carburator. the previous owner of the house passed away 6 or 7 years ago, but she was in a nursing home for 4 or 5 years before that. so nobody came in or cleaned or anything, it was actually just the way the lady left it when she got sick and had to move to a home. the house is a pretty incredible time warp. i mean, i couldn't believe that there wasn't a 2-liter of crystal pepsi in the fridge. so someone just had the yard landscaped until i moved in, and didn't use the lawnmower... i've already cleaned/fixed everything else on it, but there's a lot of crap and crud and it just won't go. :/ poor lawnmower.[Edited on May 18, 2008 at 3:11 PM. Reason : urnt]
5/18/2008 3:10:00 PM
but did you try swearing and smacking it with a wrench, threatening to soak it in gasoline and light it on fire usually gets my car started when something is wrong with it
5/18/2008 3:14:31 PM
nah, i have a policy to help, not hurt when another spirit is not feeling their best. so i sang it a dandy warhols song, rolled it into the shade, and left it to align it's chakras. and a bird just took a dump on it, haha.
5/18/2008 3:17:56 PM
well theres your problem
5/18/2008 3:19:30 PM
birds can't help diarrhea, man.
5/18/2008 3:24:29 PM
i know they can't help it all over my car when i park in proximity of a tree eithergood luck getting the lawnmower fixed
5/18/2008 3:30:43 PM
the only way to fix anything with a motor is to swear at it and beat it
5/18/2008 3:32:51 PM
^pretty much
5/18/2008 3:50:02 PM
carb cleaner
5/18/2008 3:53:39 PM
5/18/2008 4:01:36 PM