5/17/2008 7:20:26 PM
i wouldn't say totally armless and legless...he's got stubs
5/17/2008 7:23:07 PM
ahathat's got to be a blow to your ego to get manhandled by a trunk
5/17/2008 7:25:07 PM
Consider what cutting off your arms and legs would do to your weight class. The armless, legless guy can be much beefier for the same weight class.[Edited on May 17, 2008 at 7:31 PM. Reason : ]
5/17/2008 7:31:09 PM
those damn gas prices...they'll getcha
5/17/2008 7:45:10 PM
I'd use him as a bowling ball.
5/17/2008 7:57:47 PM
i bet he psyches the fuck out of his opponents
5/17/2008 8:01:16 PM
this is new.
5/17/2008 9:03:50 PM
That's actually pretty amazing.
5/17/2008 9:38:56 PM
i've seen it before.. there are obvious disadvantages but a few plusses too. still think it's a pretty crazy thing to see tho. guy that had stub legs but full arms from around high point was pretty dang good when i was comin up.
5/17/2008 9:43:23 PM
5/17/2008 11:00:14 PM
oh well.that was supposed to be the Black Knight, from Monte Python
5/17/2008 11:01:47 PM
5/17/2008 11:02:11 PM