right now?
5/16/2008 9:02:28 PM
no, since your mom was free tonight.
5/16/2008 9:03:26 PM
you like to fuck 64 year old women?more power to you buddy, go knock the dust off it
5/16/2008 9:04:57 PM
depends on what you mean by better i guess...my options are unpacking, jerking off, and tww
5/16/2008 9:05:09 PM
^I'm a girl and I like em old and wrinkly
5/16/2008 9:05:50 PM
pm sent
5/16/2008 9:06:19 PM
I could be huffing Raid.
5/16/2008 9:07:07 PM
yo drew...should i:a) hook up my computer speakers firstb) set up my bed firstc) smoke a cig and just come back to tww
5/16/2008 9:15:59 PM
well i could be showering if my friend calls me back and lets me know when we are going to the bar
5/16/2008 9:18:41 PM
gotta set the bed up first
5/16/2008 9:30:43 PM