has 18 always been the age you're considered an adult....and what laws actually determine this
5/16/2008 8:04:48 PM
is google broken
5/16/2008 8:05:36 PM
no, see the Torah and any other number of ancient texts or traditional laws
5/16/2008 8:05:55 PM
tww is not google.
5/16/2008 8:06:13 PM
the second question is somewhat subjective. therefore you assholes' opinions would have been appropriate
5/16/2008 8:08:11 PM
5/16/2008 8:09:11 PM
how is the question "what laws determine this" subjective?or do you need to add the word "subjective" to the list of things you need to google?
5/16/2008 8:11:18 PM