insert your answer here]]
5/11/2008 1:31:40 AM
sex[Edited on May 11, 2008 at 1:32 AM. Reason : sorry man i had to]
5/11/2008 1:32:15 AM
nah that's a good answer
5/11/2008 1:32:50 AM
5/11/2008 1:33:01 AM
an undergraduate degree]
5/11/2008 1:33:29 AM
my sexlife is more like sex death right now
5/11/2008 1:33:35 AM
[Edited on May 11, 2008 at 1:34 AM. Reason : ^make a thread about it][Edited on May 11, 2008 at 1:34 AM. Reason : i'll post in it][Edited on May 11, 2008 at 1:34 AM. Reason : dnl edited]
5/11/2008 1:33:47 AM
sleeping pills?
5/11/2008 1:34:36 AM
1) A job I love2) Girl that loves me
5/11/2008 1:42:50 AM
someone capable of reeling me in at times
5/11/2008 1:45:31 AM
a 24 hour buffet in my kitchen
5/11/2008 1:45:55 AM
32423984209384 dollars
5/11/2008 2:09:13 AM
a tank to drive on the highway
5/11/2008 2:10:01 AM
seriously, all I need is a girl that can tell me "no" that I care enough about to actually listen to
5/11/2008 2:11:06 AM
5/11/2008 2:11:51 AM
see, I'd say I need jesus or god, but I already have this thing where I already think I'm godso that won't work
5/11/2008 2:13:02 AM
one million dollars in a 5 to 10 percent (higher percent if i can find it)
5/11/2008 2:14:04 AM
^^I certainly hope not, I need a raise and I doubt you'd do something like that for me.[Edited on May 11, 2008 at 2:14 AM. Reason : .]
5/11/2008 2:14:17 AM
a way forward
5/11/2008 2:17:50 AM
when I get a raise it's a damn good onebut I've pretty much decided I'll jerk it before I stick it a random skank again
5/11/2008 2:27:20 AM
thats what she said
5/11/2008 2:41:08 AM
*[Edited on May 11, 2008 at 2:42 AM. Reason : .]
5/11/2008 2:41:53 AM
all my student loans paid off.
5/11/2008 7:59:51 AM
two right pockets
5/11/2008 9:22:50 AM
that picture of the black kid whose smiles gets bigger for every new high school ID card
5/11/2008 9:32:39 AM
If i saw that same picture because it sounds interesting, and I have never seen it
5/11/2008 9:57:01 AM
5/11/2008 9:57:50 AM
advil and beerAnd $10k wouldnt be too shabby
5/11/2008 10:00:27 AM
hmmm yeah I'm gonna make it $9000 cause then I'd have enough money to cover the difference at grad school, to move to NYC and live semi-comfortably for a brief while, to pay off my credit card debt and a little extra for me to get a nice Mac or laptop or something
5/11/2008 10:02:29 AM
all things consideredeverything is already ok
5/11/2008 10:26:21 AM
a day off
5/11/2008 9:28:04 PM
5/12/2008 1:11:34 AM
a money tree
5/12/2008 1:14:09 AM
5/12/2008 1:15:32 AM
$3 million bucks cash.
5/12/2008 1:15:36 AM
a light saber
5/12/2008 1:19:51 AM
im watching that tooand smoking weedspooky
5/12/2008 1:21:01 AM
I've been watching these every week.Queen Latifa in "Bringing down the House" on USA as well.
5/12/2008 1:24:12 AM
why don't they just destroy Yavinand then destroy Yavin IV(the moon with the rebel base) instead of orbiting
5/12/2008 1:25:33 AM
5/12/2008 1:26:30 AM
Then there would be no more movie. You can't just do what is logical because you need to keep a plot.
5/12/2008 1:26:50 AM
that too
5/12/2008 1:27:37 AM
Lacuna Inc.
5/12/2008 1:28:02 AM
i'm just sayin
5/12/2008 1:28:40 AM
I love how easy it is to make all these ships air tight. Just close the door and boom, sealed for space flight.And, the death star is on the way to blow up the rebel planet.[Edited on May 12, 2008 at 1:29 AM. Reason : ,I know I'm getting tired because of all of the edits I am adding.]
5/12/2008 1:29:03 AM
we need to jam some metal
5/12/2008 1:29:23 AM
i mean yavin is a gas giant so there wouldn't be that much debris
5/12/2008 1:30:12 AM
maybe their death ray dun work on gas
5/12/2008 1:30:59 AM
well it has a small solid core hit that ignite the gas maybe and boom no moonor since its mainly gasshoot at the moon through the gasi don't know just things i've thought aboutgoddamn geek brain of mine
5/12/2008 1:32:17 AM
set'm up
5/12/2008 1:44:52 AM