just finished up agricultural business management.loans are maturing... 12.85/hr isn't cutting it. Is anybody working hr and have the inside scoop?
5/7/2008 4:10:34 PM
The inside scoop is not to proposition strangers and to use the business contacts you were supposed to make in school. If you don't have any, use your skills to find interviews, and your wit and charm to win them. People in awesome jobs usually will only give the inside scoop to buddies, and even then that's iffy.
5/7/2008 4:17:54 PM
I'm looking for a sexy maid.
5/7/2008 4:19:09 PM
become a commodities trader
5/7/2008 4:27:20 PM
5/7/2008 4:40:20 PM
^^yep. it pays, even when the economy does poorly, you will most likely do well.
5/7/2008 5:08:07 PM
go to ag careers or indeed, ive seen a crop insurance specialist position out there for awhile, hit that up
5/7/2008 7:10:16 PM