We are also accepting internships and Co-op programs for employment at this time. Internships are for credit hours or to receive real job training for future employment with our company. Co-op programs are associated with any school that requires a minimum job hours for credentialing.Starting Salary:All positions start at a national average base wage depending on your experience.We welcome friends and referrals for any job posting below.http://www.egeneralmedical.com/hurrjoav.html">http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/egeneralmedical/EGMlogotan.gif "> ?eGeneralMedical.com JOBS available, Call: 844-9402 ext. 110?
4/22/2008 7:29:17 PM
Is this legit?
4/22/2008 7:53:58 PM
Yes, is there a question?
4/24/2008 1:50:37 PM
So you're looking for free labor?
4/24/2008 2:16:27 PM