fuck da haterzpostfix and exim users more liek lusers. Get a real mta u chumps.This thread is about how sendmail owns. Its the best MTA the most versitile MTA the most best MTA. Discuss how it owns in this thread and how other MTAs wish they owned like sendmail in this thread.I suppose you can discuss general mail related issues here as well (like halp whats an mx recoird I am a noob!) or whatever. But remember. Sendmail is da king and you need to show some respect. Otherwise you may find yourself smacked in the head by 10 pounts of bat book.Go ahead.Ask your mail questionsI WILL ANSWER DEM!
3/21/2008 11:22:12 PM
sendmail owns so hard it got me an egg.
3/21/2008 11:22:40 PM
lol, indeed, sendmail is preferred.
3/22/2008 12:38:22 AM
3/24/2008 11:53:53 AM
qmail ftw
3/24/2008 3:35:49 PM
halp whats an mx recoird I am a noob!
3/24/2008 3:39:51 PM
lookit dis noob. qmail. get out and take your junk mta with you.
3/24/2008 3:40:08 PM
sendmail configuration blows.postfix is nice
3/24/2008 5:21:57 PM
So I use sendmail as part of my spam filter setup. My 3 mx records come into 3 servers running MailScanner and spamassassin using sendmail as the MTA. They then scrub the mail and send it to my domino server. The problem with this is that I would just accept anything bound for my domain. So fffffffffffffffffffffff@mydomain.com would come in, get filtered, and if it got to domino, domino would bounce it back to the sender. Since the sender in these are almost always forged, it sends the failure to some poor slob who never sent the email. All those mail delivery failures you get for mail you never sent? yYa thats me. This is of course legal by smtp, but smtp is so out of date its retarded.but check dis script out
#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;use Net::LDAP;use File::Basename;my $progname = basename($0);my $dominoserver = 'dis is where your host goes';my $bindDN = 'cn=whoever, o=whereever'; # Must be an adminmy $bindPW = 'passw0rd';my (@DNSdomains) = ('ur domains');chomp @DNSdomains;my $domainfilter = '\@(?i:' . join( '|', @DNSdomains) . ')$';$domainfilter =~ s/\./\\\./g;my $dir = "/etc/mail";my $access_file = "$dir/access";my $defaults_file = "$dir/access.defaults";my $db_file = "$dir/access.db";my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($dominoserver, port => 389);my ($msg, @entries, $e);my ($cn, $mail);$ldap->bind("$bindDN", password => "$bindPW");$msg = $ldap->search( base => '', scope => 'sub', #This filter is for Domino LDAP, but you could set your own filter filter => "(|(objectclass=dominoperson)(objectlcass=dominogroup)(objectclass=dominoServerMailInDatabase))", attrs => [ 'mail', 'cn' ], );die ("search failed with ",$msg->code(),"\n") if $msg->code();@entries = $msg->entries;open(ACCESS, "> $access_file") or die("Couldn't open > $access_file\n$!");my $date=localtime();print ACCESS << "END";################################################################ This access database is generated by $progname, $date## This is regenerated by a cron job# Any change you make will be wiped out!## Make custom entries in $defaults_file.###############################################################ENDprint ACCESS "\n\n";if ( -f $defaults_file ) { open DEFAULTS, "$defaults_file" or die("Could not open $defaults_file\n$!"); while ( ) { print ACCESS $_; } close (DEFAULTS);}print ACCESS "\n\n";print ACCESS "#*************************************\n";print ACCESS "#\n";print ACCESS "# Begin entries extracted from Domino \n";print ACCESS "\n\n";foreach $e (@entries) { $cn = $e->get_value('cn'); $mail = $e->get_value('mail') || '-'; my $has_address = $mail cmp '-'; my $passes_filter = $mail =~ /$domainfilter/i ; if($has_address!=0 && $passes_filter) { print ACCESS "To:" . lc($mail) . "\t\tRELAY\n"; }}print ACCESS "\n\n";foreach (@DNSdomains) { $_ = lc($_); print ACCESS qq(To:$_\t\tERROR:5.1.1:550 User unknown\n);}print ACCESS "\n";close(ACCESS);$msg = `makemap -d hash $db_file < $access_file`
6/9/2008 10:17:04 AM
i support this thread
6/9/2008 4:19:37 PM
sendmail ftlpostconf ftw
6/9/2008 8:30:08 PM
postfix: MTA of noobs.
6/9/2008 11:40:43 PM
this was as far as I ever got:http://www.qmailrocks.org/
6/10/2008 11:10:10 AM