I basically wanted to start a thread where people could discuss police conduct or misconduct as the situation may dictate. I realize that the elections are on everyone's mind right now, but this is an issue that flares up every few years.One example of police conduct that has gained some substantial media attention in recent years are high speed chases.I was wondering whether or not you think that the police should be able to, in any situation, conduct high speed chases?Should there be limitations on the reasonability of high speed chases? For example, if the police are apprehending a suspect in a densely populated area, should they be allowed to chase?Is the use of high speed chase an act of using "deadly force" on the part of the police?Here is a video in which police conducting a high speed chase outside of Atlanta in 2001. The video is lengthy. Here, the police determined to end the chase by allowing a cruiser to use his push bumper to push the suspect off of the road. The subsequent crash left Harris (suspect) a quadriplegic. The first half is the initial car chasing the suspect and you can see the crash at about 6:15. The second half starting at about 8:45 shows another police in car camera in which he tries to first box in the suspect. Suspect hits him and continues. At this time, he asks permission to "take him out" and you can see the police criuser tap the bumper sending the car careening off the road.The argument is that police should be able to conduct high speed chases any time they deem necessary because otherwise, criminals will know that so long as the speed and cross a double yellow line a few times they can get away.http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/video/scott_v_harris.rmvb
2/23/2008 2:34:38 PM
I dont see a problem with high speed chases for officers properly trained for them.That's not really a form of "misconduct" to me. However I do believe it is deadlyforce and it better be warranted in each and every case. This especially goes for situations like the above - knocking a car at that speed is equivalent or worse than shooting at them with a gun (worse because there's less control involved and you may wind up with somebody better off dead who isn't). But I wouldn't take guns away from cops, so I don't see telling them they cant use a car as a weapon either.Miscounduct to me is the case in Florida where an officer dumped a wheelchair-bound person onto the floor of the station because they didn't believe him. Then searched him while he was on the fuckin ground. I also think tasers just encourage the worst sort of power abuse and misconduct ever. They can be deadly, and are FAR from harmless. I think those should get banned, you're either willing to pull a gun on the guy, or not. Because Taser's get pulled out WAY too fast. For example- the guy in the airport (i'll find a link shortly) who was upset over a missed flight- yeah he was misbehaving but he wasn't threatning anyone directly, and he didnt speak a word of english. He got tasered to death before a translator was even called. I mean we could just LIST cases of taser abuse here for days. I have no idea why we as a society put up with those kind of cops. I'm a hell of a lot less worried about high speed chases than that.
2/23/2008 2:52:50 PM
To the OP, thats not misconduct.Should he just be allowed to get away?
2/23/2008 3:04:02 PM
^^ Well , the Supreme Court doesn't really view it as deadly force. They ruled that "High speed chases with no intent to harm suspects physically or to worsen their legal plight do not give rise to liability under the 14th Amendment. A police officer’s attempt to terminate a dangerous high-speed car chase that threatens the lives of by-standers does not violate the 14th Amendment , even when it places the fleeing motorist at risk of serious injury or death."^ The situation becomes a little more strained if you really consider some varying situations.Let's say that a suspect is simply mentally deranged or for some other reason decides to elude police for committing a misdemeanor, say speeding for example. If the suspect is travelling at excessively high speeds through a pedestrian crowded area should the police be required to abandon pursuit? Certainly this would encourage bad behavior, but is giving someone a speeding ticket worth putting dozens of pedestrians at risk of being killed?The concern is not only for bystanders, but for the life of the suspect as well.Here is some discussion on high speed chases. Also, California is considering making them illegal.http://www.pierretristam.com/Bobst/07/cn040407.htm
2/23/2008 3:15:01 PM
^ Well, I can disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling without believing it to be misconduct.I can also see how it might be a poor choice to conduct chases - but i dont think it's misconduct just misguided perhaps. I wouldn't oppose if they were outlawed.
2/23/2008 4:13:43 PM
2/23/2008 4:28:37 PM
police (mis)conduct.....................oooooooh how edgy and what a clever pun.Now personally I am all for punishing cops who disgrace the badge by actually committing misconduct, but 90% of what most people think is misconduct really isn't. Such as use of force, tasers, etc. If half of the critics actually did the job for a few nights and realized just how dangerous it can be, you might not be so critical when a cop hits someone resisting.
2/23/2008 6:51:58 PM
If pitting a car is considered deadly force, then a suspect speeding away should also be considered a life threatening crime, in which case it would be appropriate to use deadly force.It shouldn't be illegal for high speed chases, but there should be some guidelines on what conditions warrant a high speed chase.
2/23/2008 8:21:04 PM
I think being a cop is a tough job. Listening to people lie to you all day long would get on my nerves fast. You never know what condition, or frame of mind, the guy you just pulled over is in.No thanks.. I'm glad people like Repub18 are willing to do it.And I'd like to end with a favorite Sgt. Friday monolouge.....
2/23/2008 9:48:28 PM
2/24/2008 2:01:00 AM
2/24/2008 2:13:12 AM
2/24/2008 8:48:44 AM
Forget pits, let's take them out like they do in spain:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCJPN_H9LcQ
2/24/2008 12:22:35 PM
2/24/2008 8:28:08 PM
2/24/2008 8:31:26 PM
yes, that would work
2/25/2008 1:01:04 AM
^^excellent point, sir
2/25/2008 8:05:02 AM
2/25/2008 8:08:10 AM
2/25/2008 11:06:33 AM
2/25/2008 11:26:12 AM
2/25/2008 11:31:42 AM
2/25/2008 1:22:02 PM
2/25/2008 1:34:07 PM
A cop and some woman that was with him jaywalked this morning and placed themselves directly in front of my car because of their stupidity.
2/25/2008 1:36:31 PM
If the guy would have pulled over would he still have use of his arms and legs?
2/25/2008 2:22:00 PM
As a guy with more than a few speeding tickets, I would love it if high speed chases were outlawed. I'd just never pull over.As a guy with several friends who are cops I know that "Speed is a factor in every single accident." In their futile attempts to get me to stop speeding, I have been quoted that many times.As a future cop, I'd hate to miss out on that fun.
2/25/2008 2:34:20 PM