cause that shit has gone way up in the past few weeks. im the most popular nerd ever this time of the year, so i end up doing lots of side work (and i pay all my taxes ok!!!1).speaking of which... i think people buy shit cause of tax refunds or get rid of budget money or something. i dont pay attention to why. just that my free time is low. its crossed the point where i cant sit around and watch tv without feeling like im wasting valuable jackleg time and throwing money down the drain.if i werent able to sleep 18-24 hours on sundays and curse out people online during the week i'd probably be an angry person IRL!!1 thank you tww for giving me an anger outlet also thanks tww for letting me blog and continue playing the jackleg game. i think we might have a winner within a few weeks. prize to be determined.also dont forget to donate to the march of dimes, theyve got me like 6 times this week already. fuckers. i cant say no
2/20/2008 12:11:12 AM
tww is not a blog even for jacklegalthough his generally are more entertainingeven though he leaves out juicy details post rehab
2/20/2008 12:13:23 AM
blog anytime, sir leg.
2/20/2008 12:13:54 AM
2/20/2008 12:27:46 AM
also i feel entitled to make 2-3 really really bad threads a day now because i still have this internal need to have a certain daily level of shitty tww posts
2/20/2008 12:38:53 AM
YESi do, too
2/20/2008 12:56:21 AM
so get this. i've been going to bed (on purpose) some nights lately with the government access channel on (for the greensboro people, its 13 on time warner. the city council and trash pickup channel)anyways, that music helps me sleep. only thing is they sometimes show this video over and over in the middle of the night about how to be a good little league baseball/football/basketball parent. no idea what nights or times or why.but i either get really awesome elevator music sleep, or have crazy dreams about picking up chicks (my age ok) at little league games. i should call and find out what music this crap is.if you live in gso, put it on 13 and tell me what you think
2/20/2008 1:03:52 AM
hahhaha ps - i like the new mayor in greensboro. shes liek FUCK 102 JAMZ and the superjamz bullshit and all the cops it takes to police that thugfest. she understands the difference between people coming to listen to music and trendy thug wannabes who come to chase the GANGSTA SHIT. shes like GET THE FUCKING THUGS OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING HIGHWAY GOD DAMNok time to go to bed, more fun day tomorrow i love you everyone
2/20/2008 1:25:06 AM