seems like at least once a month i come home to 2 on my door step. all those poor raped trees.
2/15/2008 7:41:25 PM
for real...who the fuck uses a phone book i mean really
2/15/2008 7:41:52 PM
whats a phone book?
2/15/2008 7:45:50 PM
i remember blocking up one of the suites in bragaw with the massive stockpile of phone books they had laying around there. i wish i still had pictures of it.
2/15/2008 7:57:39 PM
i take extra phonebooks to use as target practice and then i recycle them.i'm such an environmentalist.
2/15/2008 7:59:57 PM
yup, just got the quarterly 2 bigass phonebooks on the front porch yesterday...can't remember the last time i actually used one
2/15/2008 8:02:33 PM
2/15/2008 8:03:15 PM
2/15/2008 8:03:38 PM
i put mine in the drawer the other day like i was actually going to use it.i threw it away the next day.good story, i know.
2/15/2008 8:03:53 PM
mine is still sitting outside my apartment door. Its been there about 2 weeks now. I'm sure its getting on other peoples' nerves
2/15/2008 8:47:53 PM
2/15/2008 8:52:13 PM
dude QQwe've evolved to not need trees.
2/15/2008 9:13:30 PM
How many phone broads do you mean...i mean seriously.
2/15/2008 9:14:17 PM
^^^ No. I live in Cary. Waterford Forest
2/15/2008 9:28:15 PM
all the cool kids are on the "do not deliver" list for phone books
2/15/2008 9:29:13 PM
Well, glad I'm not the only person who's gotten three phone books in the past 5 months. Thanks to the Internet, I rarely have any use for them anyway. I think the last time I used the yellow pages was when the power was out at home and I wanted to call Progress Energy.I guess I could keep a phone book around for emergencies or something.
2/15/2008 9:51:25 PM
2/15/2008 9:52:27 PM
in addition to the 4 we have already received, they put 4 more on our doorstep today. white pages, yellow pages, "mini" yellow pages, and yellow pages espanol..
2/15/2008 9:53:32 PM
4 in one day?pics or it didn't happen.
2/15/2008 9:55:34 PM
THIS SHIT NEEDS TO PICK UP! JTMONEYNCSU AND ReceiveDeath EXPOSED? colter exposed? colter exposed?
2/15/2008 9:55:57 PM
03 - Trae - I'm A Asshole - Shazm
2/15/2008 10:04:30 PM