I would like to organize a community coalition to eradicate horizontal scrollbars from http://www.thewolfweb.com. All members of the community would benefit from a future free of the pains and suffering of pages that require sliding back and forth repeatedly to read posts. We will attack this problem at the roots by ridding our community of long links and wide banner ads. My solution will improve quality of life for wolfwebber's young and old, fat and skinny, of all races. #1LOSE THE WIDE BANNER AD'S or MAKE THE SITE LOGO NARROWER! - PC's that are set at the most common resolutions get the horizontal scrollbar when any non TWW ad is displayed. This is poor web design and should be fixed. If our admin cannot control the width of the ads, then something else across the top of the page should become narrower to account for the ridiculous amount of space they take up.#2AUTOMATICALLY SHORTEN URL'S - When crazyweb was written (circa 2001) I assume that the average URL was much shorter. Today URL's are long, often times line after line after linke. Most message board software accounts for this by shortening the displayed text for a URL. If someone wants to see the whole URL they can easily right click. If the software could display http://www.reallylongdomainname.com/folder/folder/487497huffkhhklasdf89asdfsd9f87s90f78sdaf98f8asd as http://www.reallylongdomainname.com/fold....f8asd it would be wonderful!#3 ALLOW USERS TO CHANGE DISPLAYED TEXT FOR A URL - This means a user can not just enter a website link to make a url but can click the button and enter alternate text to be displayed for it. EX. http://www.youtube.com/789457893478957 could appear as Drunk Girls Pillow Fighting right now only premie's have this ability and must know HTML and be willing to take the extra time necessary to make a link like this. ]
2/1/2008 3:55:29 PM
ok thats good enoughi agree that horizontal scrolling gets annoying]
2/1/2008 4:00:22 PM
dammit dude, i was getting excited to see drunk girls pillow fighting and then got a big fat 404 instead.i've asked a hundred times for them to automatically convert links so people don't get suspended in sports talk, but that never happened. this is a much more difficult thing to put into place, especially with people being able to use html, large images, etc., so i don't expect it to ever happen either.not to say it isn't a wonderful idea, because it is. now... show me the druken pillow fight.
2/1/2008 4:26:24 PM
you get suspended for posting a large link in ST?
2/1/2008 5:00:46 PM
sounds like a good suggestion. it shouldnt be that hard to implement the appended links. we'll have to take a look at the code and see if it affects anything else, but if not, we'll make the change.
2/1/2008 5:34:21 PM
2/1/2008 6:15:34 PM
I support #2.#3 is just begging for a revival of the rickroll and I can't support it.#1 means you should by a better monitor. 1024x768 doesn't cut it in the modern world.
2/1/2008 9:12:57 PM
2/1/2008 9:22:45 PM
I don't see how the nearly two year old screen resolution stats of some other site prove your point.
2/2/2008 12:42:52 AM
2/3/2008 6:12:39 PM
2/4/2008 7:30:41 PM
auto-resize large pictures!
2/4/2008 9:40:46 PM
2/4/2008 10:13:09 PM
my mouse wheel leans left and right problem solved
2/12/2008 10:57:57 AM
2/12/2008 1:47:34 PM
2/12/2008 8:11:34 PM
2/13/2008 3:01:23 AM
3/12/2008 12:04:12 PM