Mega DisastersEpisode: Methane Explosion
1/30/2008 12:11:38 PM
Add it with nuclear terrorism and giant asteriods under the category of "shit that can end the world but unfuckinglikely"
1/30/2008 12:13:07 PM
my asshole will shortly have a methane explosion after that lunch
1/30/2008 12:15:20 PM
The Co2 explosion they showed was freaky too. I couldn't imagine a lake blowing up and then cloud of Co2 covering entire villages. All the dead goats too..
1/30/2008 12:22:05 PM
the only doomsday prediction I subscribe to is the asteroid - it's gonna be a close one.
1/30/2008 12:25:37 PM
^^^^ As usual, you think you know what you're talking about but you really don't:Can Earth Dodge Asteroid Heading This Way?
1/30/2008 12:26:21 PM
1/30/2008 12:50:08 PM
Did anyone see Last Days on Earth? It was a top-10 list of the things that could wipe out humanity. Pretty good, but it had slow parts.
1/30/2008 12:54:37 PM
Black hole hitting the earth. Now thats a way to go out.
1/30/2008 12:59:11 PM
I was looking at the wiki for Lake Nyos, here's another creepy thing that happened after the Co2 escape from the lake
1/30/2008 1:03:37 PM
1/30/2008 1:12:50 PM
2/1/2008 1:13:54 PM
^^ i want someone to do the calculations on how long it'll take for it to completely consume the Earth
2/1/2008 1:15:59 PM
^ Does it matter? We will all probably have been ripped apart long before that happens.
2/1/2008 1:18:27 PM