I don't personally know anyone who is a student athlete, so I'm passing this question to you guys.If you are attending school on a sports scholarship, and are injured to the point where you are unable to play any more, what happens to you? And is there a difference between being just "out for the season" and permanently injured?
1/24/2008 2:09:46 AM
I think the University can try to scrounge up some other scholarship for you to continue your education. I also wouldn't be surprised if there are private scholarships set up specifically for the injured student-athlete.And even if you're "out for the season," you can still attend practices and be a part of the program, and you still draw a scholarship.Anyway, it's all up to the University and the program, I believe. And I don't think it's always fair.I made all that up. I wonder if I'm right about any of it.
1/24/2008 3:02:36 AM
I'm pretty sure every scholarship is a one year thing. You can lose or gain (if it wasn't a full scholarship) as much as the school is willing to pay. As long as the school has another person they'd rather give it to, they wouldn't give it to an injured person. And if they were injured for good I'm pretty sure they're SOL
1/24/2008 3:05:41 AM
Scholarships are one year, so the university can discontinue for any reason. Many schools will still continue to support athletes in the situation you described, and it wouldn't count against NCAA scholarship limits.
1/24/2008 4:54:12 AM
Big Lew can't play anymore and now is a Student-Assistant Coach, still on scholarship, but the scholarship doesn't apply to the limit for the sport. The athlete could be possiably be assisgned to say the media relation's office as a student assistant, training room, weight room, marketing, equipment room, or assigned to an administrator. Or they could just continue their education.
1/24/2008 7:18:42 AM
"permanently injured" --> not on the team after the current season --> no more scholarshipscholarships for the current year are issued and paid in advance, just like you pay your tuition in advance
1/24/2008 7:58:45 AM
The NCAA and some player representatives are talking about instances where injury wouldn't negate an athlete's scholarship. Really, you never can tell what is permanent or what an athlete will be like after he/she is injured. I do know on the women's side, an athlete who gets pregnant must retain her scholarship -- I bet there's a time limit on that mandate, though. I'm pretty sure it was passed as a bylaw a few weeks ago.
1/24/2008 9:17:15 AM
it was-some track coach was promoting abortions and threatening to take away scholarships if the bitches got pregnant
1/24/2008 11:07:12 AM