what a bitch. its like she doesnt even listen to the people, she just picks the side she likes and then screams at the other side for 10 minutes and wont even let them give their evidence and then screams em out the doorshe starts snapping her fingers and going side to side with her head, speaking all this spanish about how you'd get shot up EN EL BARRIOVERDICT FOR THE PLAINTIFF GET OUT NOW!!!11
1/23/2008 4:43:01 PM
what do you expect from a woman?
1/23/2008 4:43:41 PM
ha. its not that shes a woman. ive seen other girl judges that dont act that way. judge judy is pretty bad too but she looks like my grandma so i cant say anything mean or i feel bad.but this redheaded lady makes me feel uncomfortable
1/23/2008 4:45:28 PM
dude ive only seen one show, but i go so seriously pissed at her verdict and the way she acted i actually tried to write them an email
1/23/2008 4:49:43 PM
Not to mention that selling people stock on credit is highly illegal.
1/23/2008 4:51:56 PM
if she werent menopausal i'd say that i bet they only film the show one week out of the month. maybe the few days before she goes on the rag. OH I DONT KNOW. just looking for an excuse, what a fucking bitch.im gonna read that email after a while, i gotta run for a few. im sure its interesting
1/23/2008 5:00:31 PM
The Judge
3/25/2008 7:01:55 PM
I'd hit it
3/25/2008 7:02:35 PM
3/25/2008 7:05:31 PM
My gf watches all of them...I like Judge Mathis and Judge Alex. That's it.Judy and latina are complete bitches who dont listen.Then there is other latina who is incompetent.Sorority judge who is identical to a pre-teen cheerleader.Judge Joe Brown who reminds me of my grandpa.Maybe one more...?Some of them are a complete disgrace to the Judical system, which is saying alot.
3/25/2008 8:38:26 PM
she always wears those giant hoop whore earings
3/25/2008 8:41:37 PM
i miss judge wapner
3/25/2008 8:45:03 PM
yeah judge milian is pretty dumbThis foreign guy call her "sir" and she says "i don't know about where you're from, but we have women judges here in America" where the country this guy was from had a freaking WOMAN PRESIDENT (who was American born Jew to boot).
3/25/2008 9:09:41 PM