For sale, got it for Christmas so it's 4 weeks old, hardly any use. Maybe an hour of total use.Don't really need it, although it's damn swank. The mouse wheels are actual metal and feel like butter. It sells new on amazon for 70 bucks new so I figured I'd ask for 40 on TWW becuase it's like new sans the box (had to rip it with scissors to get that heavy plastic container out). Buyer can pick up, I live right across from NCSU campus
1/23/2008 12:21:59 AM
30i think i paid 30 or 40 for my last one (from dell...some slickdeal)
1/23/2008 12:26:28 AM
I lost mine over thanksgiving
1/23/2008 1:02:24 AM
pm sent
1/23/2008 1:09:07 AM
i see all these mice and i wonder if they are going to make trackball mice that are as good.
1/23/2008 1:47:09 PM
pm sent, if you want to sell it, you'll have to let me know in the next few days
1/25/2008 8:40:37 PM