I need to PDF about 150 -200 files in a folder.I can batch PDF them but it makes them all one file. I need to keep these documents separate.Anyone know of a way to batch PDF all of these files while keeping them seperate?
12/12/2007 11:14:31 AM
go to your printers, setup adobe pdf printer as defaultselect files, right click, print
12/12/2007 11:59:59 AM
12/12/2007 12:08:24 PM
Hmm - It tries to open all 100+ files as it prints and then prompts for the file name for each file. It works - don't get me wrong - just wish it would use the file name and just do it in the back ground.
12/12/2007 12:10:34 PM
you can change adobe to not prompt for filenames
12/13/2007 8:55:23 AM
looks like theres some utilities out there for this purposehttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS253&q=convert+batch+files+to+pdf&btnG=Search
12/13/2007 9:01:15 AM
PDFCreator has an auto-save option.http://www.pdfforge.org/products/pdfcreator
12/13/2007 11:40:10 AM