Okay... so it's really a tortilla, but I thought this http://tinyurl.com/mxt2 website was pretty funny.
12/10/2007 4:33:50 AM
too bad he'd have no way to determine whether or not the car stopped at the stopsign
12/10/2007 4:44:02 AM
it's not that hardif you don't stop, the beam will be broken for like 1-2 secondsif you do stop, more like 5 seconds
12/10/2007 4:46:20 AM
pfft call me when it runs on meterhertz
12/10/2007 7:18:19 AM
12/10/2007 7:26:24 AM
12/10/2007 7:31:08 AM
nom nom nom
12/10/2007 9:46:51 AM
Yeah, it's just for when you knead a breadboard
12/10/2007 2:14:45 PM