I'm going in to look at re-enrolling in a class for spring, and I see a note that there's a $100 late enrollment fee? I don't remember seeing that before. A lot of the site also looks new and different. It might just be me, but thought I'd check here
12/2/2007 12:52:34 PM
late enrollment has been $100 as long as i can remember--i think you get a one time exemption
12/2/2007 1:31:03 PM
Really? Hmm, I think they just changed the websites a bit or something then.Does that apply to all students? DE and Continuing ed as well? thanks
12/2/2007 2:35:43 PM
i'm not sure; it's been so long since i've taken a DE class, i don't remember
12/2/2007 6:22:33 PM
just call? or look here...http://distance.ncsu.edu/tuition/undergradtuition.html
12/2/2007 7:10:40 PM
ncsukat for study hall mod
12/2/2007 7:25:50 PM
the fee is only for undergrads and grads. NEW undergrad and grad students get a 1 time exemption.anyone in lifelong education (UGS, PBS), or VetMed does not have to pay the fee.http://www.ncsu.edu/registrar/registration/lateregistration.html
12/3/2007 9:21:58 PM
If you're coming back from active military duty they will typically waive it as well if you can show them a copy of your orders.
12/3/2007 10:18:03 PM