Iraq's political leaders so that they can reconcile? like what are some concessions the Shiites want and what are some concessions the Sunnis want? i'm wondering why this is taking so long
11/30/2007 5:26:37 AM
the real power brokers care very little about reconciliation
11/30/2007 9:22:03 AM
Sounds a lot like the US.
11/30/2007 9:23:32 AM
they both want control...and neither will concede....oh and then there are the kurds in the north, which complicate matters even more
11/30/2007 9:36:33 AM
can we automatically assume the shias in iraq are wanting to go the theocratic route like iran ?
11/30/2007 12:47:12 PM
What a basic inquiry.
11/30/2007 1:52:46 PM
(Not to be confused with a n00b question.)
11/30/2007 2:17:27 PM