I found this humerous, in a dark comedy sort of way:
11/19/2007 12:33:44 AM
11/19/2007 12:56:24 AM
How fucking ghetto.
11/19/2007 12:59:03 AM
haha. interesting to note that detroit was just ranked america's most dangerous city too.
11/19/2007 7:19:24 AM
I'm glad they are looking out for the consumer.
11/19/2007 11:28:08 AM
All I'm thinkin' about are that Crown station and the 86 station across the intersection from each other up by the corner of Western just where it merges with the beltline, and how they pull the exact same -1 cent shit to each other.
11/19/2007 1:12:58 PM
I don't understand why the BP station stayed open and the Marathon closed. You'd think it would be the other way around if the BP's owner got shot in the head.
11/19/2007 2:24:55 PM
I don't need a yearly update to know that Detroit is dangerous
11/19/2007 2:50:43 PM
Forgot the link:http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071117/NEWS01/711170338&imw=YThe Marathon station owner was arrested and his station is closed for the duration of the investigation into what charges will be filed against him. The BP station is still being managed by the family.
11/19/2007 3:21:17 PM
11/19/2007 5:29:56 PM
Update:the Marathon station is now open again, presumably a family member is managing it. the price they chose to set was $3.07, not the $2.93 the now jailed owner was attempting to set last Friday. The police still fear reprisals and have stationed a police cruiser across the street.
11/19/2007 5:54:57 PM