prodigy (2400 baud all the way up to 14.4) (28.8)pageszIBM (don't remember the exact name, but my dad worked for IBM so we got a discount I think)ipass (56k)bellsouth dsl (first hispeed)roadrunneruniversity ISPsroadrunnercomcasticand on thursday when I'm at my grandma's farm, I shall reexperience that which is dialup once again![Edited on November 18, 2007 at 11:23 PM. Reason : .]
11/18/2007 11:14:38 PM
aolsimflexroad runnerncsuroad runnercomcast
11/18/2007 11:16:08 PM
11/18/2007 11:16:35 PM
aolsome local thing outta southern pinesearthlinkResnetroadrunner
11/18/2007 11:18:06 PM
compuservroadrunnerprolog (pennsylvania)resnet
11/18/2007 11:20:09 PM
AOLprodigybellsouthresnetTime WarnerCox]
11/18/2007 11:21:36 PM
CoastalnetTime Warner CableResnetCharter Cable
11/18/2007 11:25:01 PM
prodigyAOLbellsouth DSLcharter pipelineNCSU resnettwc roadrunner at my current house]
11/18/2007 11:25:06 PM
att dial upncsubellsouth dslsprint dslroadrunner
11/18/2007 11:26:24 PM
so no nando, pagesz, ipass users, eh? I'm trying to remember the other popular southern dialup ISP in the late 90s but I can't seem to recall it. it's kind of weird how everything has become so consolidated these days
11/18/2007 11:27:06 PM
aol (143 for sex)roadrunnerncsu.[Edited on November 19, 2007 at 12:53 AM. Reason : 143 ]
11/19/2007 12:53:27 AM
aol 28.8earthlink 56ksome local thing outta southern pines (free, put myself in the dialup racks)sprintdslresnetsprintdslsuddenlink
11/19/2007 12:56:19 AM
was this thread made for the stalkers?
11/19/2007 12:56:46 AM
att dialupaol dialupback to att dialupCTC DSLncsu resnet
11/19/2007 12:57:15 AM
SUDDENLINKWE'RE CONNECTEDi fucking HATE that jinglei bet you do too
11/19/2007 12:57:19 AM
stolen wirelessstolen wirelessstolen wireless
11/19/2007 12:57:59 AM
att dialupprodigy dialupcompuserve dialuproadrunner
11/19/2007 12:59:41 AM
^^^ I can't decide whether I hate the jingle more, or the guy that's forced to be a fucking moron put in the most asinine and completely un-funny situations.Probably the former.
11/19/2007 1:02:20 AM
JunoProdigyIndependent ISPEarthlinkResNetTWC NC
11/19/2007 8:05:04 AM
Prodigy dial-upMSN dial-upCTC quickclick DSLResNetTWC roadrunnerCTC quickclick DSL
11/19/2007 8:11:29 AM
oh yeahhahahahi forgot juno and netzero.. back when they were freegood way to get around parental controls on AOL
11/19/2007 8:14:07 AM
anyone remember this?
11/19/2007 8:24:25 AM
1.prodigy (anyone remember GUTS?)2.compuserve3.earthlink
11/19/2007 8:32:43 AM dialup '97-'98 (nominally 56k, usually saw 28.8)aol dialup '98-2001(?) (in the 40's on a good day)resnet '98-'99ipass '99-'01twc roadrunner '01-current
11/19/2007 10:38:46 AM
msncox hsibellsouth dslverizon wireless BBA- Rev A and bellsouth dsl[Edited on November 19, 2007 at 10:44 AM. Reason : VERIZON WIRELESS AND VZ COMM ARE SEPERATE]
11/19/2007 10:43:35 AM
aol (parents) + att dial-up (my room)Road Runner
11/19/2007 10:44:36 AM
ProdigyAOLNetcomRoad RunnerKorea Telecom
11/19/2007 10:49:12 AM
prodigyeworldaolsome local cable modem serviceresnetfree wireless from the apt comples, probably all ported to one time warner outlettime warnercomcasttime warnercomcast
11/19/2007 11:23:09 AM
ProdigyAOL dial-upWhatever dial-up the Naval Academy had, followed by whatever high-speed they hadMindSpring DSL (later became EarthLink)Comcast CableSBCGlobal DSLTime Warner CableComcast CableBellsouth DSL
11/19/2007 11:32:03 AM (local goldsboro 56k)earthlinkresnet
11/19/2007 11:51:49 AM
Mindspring dial up (33.6 modem)Road Runner ever since 1998
11/19/2007 12:01:57 PM
the k before 56k56kroadrunner...ncsu dorms (<3)stolen wirelessstolen wirelessstolen wirelessgod i hate richmond
11/19/2007 12:04:27 PM
Compuserve (circa 1986 w/ a 300baud modem)Netcom - (14.4k dialup 1992ish)Earthlink - (33.6k dialup 1995)Resnet - 1996-1999Bellsouth DSL 1999-2002Roadrunner - '02 - now
11/19/2007 12:23:53 PM
netpathresnetbellsouthtime warner (absolute shit)]
11/19/2007 12:25:08 PM
TelenetGTEPC PursuitCompuservePipelinehorizons.netroadrunner
11/19/2007 2:01:29 PM
beachlink (28.8k, 56k)resnetcharter (768k, 1.5m, 3m, should be 5m soon)[Edited on November 19, 2007 at 2:05 PM. Reason : ]
11/19/2007 2:03:55 PM