climbed up on a table at the Hill of Beans and danced to my rendition of "Jump on it." i got weird looks from people
11/16/2007 10:17:35 AM
kicked your shoes off as you were being hit by a car?
11/16/2007 10:18:08 AM
11/16/2007 10:18:38 AM
about halfway through stepping on the table from the chair, i knew i had to go through with it to avoid looking like a uber douche.
11/16/2007 10:20:20 AM
I love a parade
11/16/2007 10:20:25 AM
^^i think you failed.
11/16/2007 10:20:58 AM
you should taken a suprise picture right when you finished
11/16/2007 10:21:13 AM
no sir, i win. give me my miller lite.
11/16/2007 10:21:31 AM
now we have campus security giving me the evil eye
11/16/2007 10:25:47 AM
11/16/2007 10:26:46 AM
what the hell is "jump on it"
11/16/2007 10:31:32 AM
11/16/2007 10:32:57 AM
haha. I love apache.
11/16/2007 10:42:31 AM
11/16/2007 10:45:34 AM
the table started to wobble my second time through so i knew it was time to get off.that, and it seemed like i was on the spotlight for way too long.
11/16/2007 10:46:05 AM
NCSU police blotter
11/16/2007 10:50:11 AM
you're still going to prison
11/16/2007 10:50:52 AM
the terrorists have won, just give up.
11/16/2007 10:51:04 AM