I was wondering how much time and effort does ECE senior Design. Right now I am planning on taking ECE420 in the evening and ECE Senior Design. When not in class I will be working at Sony Ericsson 30 but potentially 40 hours a week. Do you all think this is doable???
11/14/2007 9:36:58 PM
sure, you can do it--you just won't like it
11/14/2007 9:41:24 PM
When I took the class we had a partner that worked 40 hours a week. For the most part, besides the class, you set your own meeting times and schedules. I think we met mostly after 6 each meeting and even then most of the work was done on our own. I guess it depends on the project and your partners. By this time, most of the kids are working some kind of job so it shouldn't be a problem. Also, you might want to see if your job can be flexible, especially around the end of the class. This class shouldn't take up that much time until the end. I can't remember even working on this class until about 1/2 way through the semester. Even during the last part of the semester, I would give it maybe 3-4 hours a week outside of class.
11/15/2007 11:37:29 AM