Anyone know how to save java internet video streams? I have both a Linux box and a Windows PC so help with either OS is appreciated.I have a vlc(video lan client) script and a mplayer script that I use to save internet radio and typically I can find the url hidden in the source page to get the link I need to save for recording it. But I have had problems finding the link I would need to save the video that are using java.One example link is
11/11/2007 2:10:52 PM
DAMMIT! How did this end up in Entertainment? MODS please move to Tech Talk. Thanks
11/11/2007 2:22:25 PM
11/11/2007 2:30:01 PM
Does downloadhelper in firefox not work?i've never tried.
11/11/2007 2:35:27 PM
^^ Hmm i'll check that out. I would prefer to get the video from the stream but I might could work with that. Ive tried similiar programs to get flash video and didn't have much success getting the videos. I have been able to lift pics from flash sites though.^ Haven't tried it. I'll look into that as well.
11/11/2007 2:43:34 PM