I have a Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop from 2004. It's got a pentium 4 3.2, gig ram, 9700 pro, and a 80 gig 5400rpm HD. I'm thinking about doing some upgrades. Ram is easy, but what about the HD? I want a 7200rpm HD so it'll speed things up a little. Aside from battery life, is there any trouble i might run into upgrading my laptop HD from a 80gig 5400 to a 200 gig 7200? Would an old laptop handle it? I'm not too familier with 2.5 ff harddrives. Can i just pick one off newegg?
11/3/2007 7:02:46 PM
Your laptop will be fine, however it might run a bit hotter, and will definitely experience decreased battery life ... but that should be it for the potential negative effects.
11/3/2007 8:13:36 PM
hmm wonder if this would fit:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820609259
11/3/2007 10:38:27 PM
Yes ... as long as your laptop has a SATA connector
11/3/2007 10:52:18 PM
I was being very sarcastic. I wish. How much does it actually cost to produce a 128 GB SSD? I can't believe that particular one cost 4 grand.
11/3/2007 11:25:13 PM