How was it?
10/30/2007 11:47:15 AM
Take it. One of the easiest, if not the easiest class youll ever take here
10/30/2007 12:23:38 PM
I got an A+ and didn't try
10/30/2007 2:19:50 PM
I'm in it now. He throws a ton of extra credit at you. He had to cancel class last week, and we were supposed to have a quiz. Instead of having us make it up later, he decided he would just give everyone full credit and move on.
10/30/2007 3:34:19 PM
took it 2 semesters ago. easy A+. laid back professor, got out of class early all the time, lots of extra credit.
10/30/2007 4:26:09 PM
I'm in it now. Easiest class ever, and funniest professor ever.
10/30/2007 5:30:19 PM
He is funny, but sometimes it can take him like 10 minutes to tell a joke. That can be a little annoying.
10/31/2007 9:29:13 AM