2 Kittens need homes. About 3 weeks old and litter box trained. One is dark dark gray with black feet. The other is all black and has a bad eye. PM if you want a kitten.
10/22/2007 9:11:42 PM
Are you positive about their age? At 3 weeks they really shouldn't be off of milk...
10/22/2007 9:37:37 PM
i might want the gray one with black feet. got any pics?
10/23/2007 10:02:47 AM
the black kitten with a squinty eye we've been calling rambo. he likes to battle.
10/23/2007 12:22:22 PM
Ryan - I sent a PM, but wanted to make sure that you got the message that the kitten we got from you has tested positive for feline leukemia. It is very likely that one or more of your other cats may also be positive. Apparently this is pretty serious and contagious, and the prognosis is often very poor. I hope that your other cats are OK.
11/12/2007 2:24:43 PM