i'm going to name it the Cock-Pit and have incorporate an airline theme to it.
10/4/2007 3:36:50 PM
5 / 10
10/4/2007 3:37:11 PM
How about just an airport bathroom theme
10/4/2007 3:37:21 PM
u just stole that from me
10/4/2007 3:37:38 PM
How about just an airport Harrelson bathroom theme
10/4/2007 3:37:53 PM
no, i you just reminded me.i came up with this idea as a sophomore in high school while watchin Air-Force One
10/4/2007 3:39:44 PM
nuh uh
10/4/2007 3:40:48 PM
ahaha i kid you not, i wouldn't lie about thinkin about starting a gay bar as a sophomore in HS. infact, i don't know why i'm even talking to tww about this.
10/4/2007 3:42:11 PM
10/4/2007 3:45:40 PM
you know how I know you're gay?
10/4/2007 3:46:14 PM
ahaha yea, self-pwnage.void this thread
10/4/2007 3:46:19 PM
why are you thinking about opening gay bars in hs?
10/4/2007 3:46:58 PM
well i was watchin the movie with some friends, and we're just being little fucks tryin to make fun of everything and just get a laugh everywhere we can. i heard the word cock-pit and giggled, and i guess i molded a joke out of it.
10/4/2007 3:49:29 PM