10/1/2007 12:18:32 PM
10/1/2007 2:24:27 PM
my friends and I would totally love this
10/1/2007 2:31:52 PM
hahaha keanu reeves is the worst actor on the planet
10/1/2007 2:34:02 PM
He also runs really funny. I saw some movie on tv a few weeks ago where he was quarterback for some terrible football team and I realized that he runs like his legs are bowed outward. You can see it in all the movies where they make him run (Point Break, terrible football movie, The Matrix.) I think he might be the worlds tallest midget and he's so tall that people think he's a normal person.
10/1/2007 2:36:23 PM
have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone AHHHHH?
10/1/2007 2:46:25 PM
This will either be aweful or awesome. There will be no middle ground.
10/1/2007 3:57:44 PM
10/1/2007 3:59:21 PM