the Digg discussion on same (where you might want to look in the comments for a couple interesting links): More info: -={ MediaDefender-Defenders }=- Date: 2007-09-15MediaDefender-Defenders proudly presents 9 months worth ofinternal MediaDefender emailsBy releasing these emails we hope to secure the privacy and personal integrity of all peer-to-peer users. The emails contains information about the various tactics and technical solutions for tracking p2p users, and disrupt p2p services.A special thanks to Jay Maris, for circumventing there entire email-security by forwarding all your emails to your gmail account, and using the really highly secure password: blahbob So here it is, we hope this is enough to create a viable defense to the tactics used by these companies, also there should be enough fuel to keep the p2p bloggers busy for quite some time. -={ MediaDefender-Defenders }=-==============================================Nice to know the MPAA & their henchmen are a little below the RTARD level...
9/14/2007 11:01:29 PM
9/16/2007 11:43:35 PM
Now that is a pretty potent can of worms.
9/17/2007 12:04:45 AM formatted into an easy to read HTML format...
9/17/2007 8:35:45 AM
lol pwnt
9/17/2007 10:18:24 AM to be PWNT at every turn now the Source Code that MediaDefender uses has been is the official description: -={ MediaDefender-Defenders }=- Date: 2007-09-20MediaDefender-Defenders proudly presents the source codethat MediaDefender use.The source is complete for their operations regardingKazaa, bittorrent, gnutella etc. This system is nowreleased for the public in order to identify the decoysthey set up.A special thanks to the MD employee that gave this to us. -={ MediaDefender-Defenders }=-According to Source file includes the following utilites:AresDataCollector, AresLauncher, AresProtector, AresSupernode, AresUDPDataCollector, AutoUpdater, AutoUpdaterSource, BTClient, BTDataCollector, BTDecoyClient, BTInflationDest, BTInterdictor, BTIPGatherer, BTPoster, BTRemover, BTScraper, BTScraperDLL, BTSearcher, BTSeedInflator, BTTorrentGenerator, BTTorrentSource, BTTracker, BTTrackerChecker, CVS, DCMaster, DCScanner, DCSupply, DistributedKazaaCollector, DllLoader, ED2KSupplyProcessor, EdonkeyIpBanner, FastTrackGift, FastTrackGiftDecoyer, GnutellaDecoyer, GnutellaFileDownloader, GnutellaProtector, GnutellaSupply, KademliaProtector, KazaaDBManager, KazaaLauncher, KazaaSupplyProcessor, KazaaSupplyTaker, KazaaSwarmerDest, KazaaSwarmerDistributedSource, KazaaSwarmerDownloader, KazaaSwarmerSource, MediaMaker, MediaSwarmerDest, MediaSwarmerSource, MetaMachine, MetaMachineHashSetCollector, MetaMachineSpoofer, MI-GnutellaSupply, MovieMaker, NameServer, NetworkMonitor, OverNetLauncher, OvernetProtector, OvernetSpoofer, P2PFileIndexer, PioletDC, PioletPoisoner, PioletSpoofer, SamplePlugIn, SLSKSpooferDLL, SoulSeekClient, StatusDest, StatusSource, SupernodeCollector, SupernodeController, SupernodeDistributer, SupplyProcessor, TKCom, TKFileTransfer, TKLauncher, TKProjectManager, TKSyncher, UsenetPoster, UsenetSearcher, WatchDogControllerDestination, WatchDogControllerSource, WinMxDC, WinMxLauncher, WinMxProtector, wma generator
9/20/2007 9:38:56 PM