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So they are running a 55% off deal on them at the moment, and I looking for honeymoon sites. It might be a chance to save some money, assuming I can make my mind up on this in 2 days

8/29/2007 8:48:03 AM


18617 Posts
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Michael Scott loves it.

8/29/2007 8:56:05 AM

Thots and Prayers
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8/29/2007 8:56:25 AM

All American
10491 Posts
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all inclusive?

8/29/2007 9:10:30 AM

All American
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I have been to a few of them. They are nice, but not top of the line. The food was the most dissapointing thing about the resort.

8/29/2007 9:13:09 AM

35781 Posts
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my brother went there for his honeymoon in july. They did it, just as you said, to save money. She's pregnant, and they already have a 2 year old, so it wasn't for them to go all out.

But they had a nice time, my brother said he drank continuously every day and ate to max capacity every night.

I believe they went to the one in the bahamas.

8/29/2007 9:17:07 AM

All American
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i'll throw in a vote for a self-guided driving tour of Costa Rica, like I did. West B. did it as well and really liked it.
All in all, it will cost less than that rock you got her

8/29/2007 9:28:54 AM

The Stubby
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^^ one of my best friends and his wife went for their honeymoon and loved it, they want to get a group together to go next year

8/29/2007 9:36:21 AM

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Bttt, still gotta figure out where to go for a week. Somewhere in the Caribbean. Also thinking of Cabo San Lucas.

10/31/2007 9:35:39 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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haha @ Sandals Resorts

10/31/2007 9:46:42 PM

All American
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11/5/2007 9:53:59 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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my bro got married at Beaches (part of Sandals I believe) resort in Jamaica... the rest of the fam stayed at a Sandals. They all loved it minus the ride through impoverished Jamaica.

So we are going next year, but sticking to Montego Bay since it is right next to the airport and we do not have to travel through the countryside... it's just nice having everything included and already taken care of.

[Edited on November 5, 2007 at 10:53 PM. Reason : It is the most commercial resort, but I don't view that as a bad thing at all...]

11/5/2007 10:32:55 PM

4725 Posts
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Apparently there has been a haha @ sandals. I can't tell if there is some legit bag about the place, or it's just joebrainless trolling me in an area outside of chit chat, which should be a suspendable offense.

11/5/2007 10:37:04 PM

All American
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My wife and I honeymooned at Sandals Dunns River in Jamaica this past August. She really liked it but I only thought it was ok. Food was good but the only beer they have is Red Stripe, which is piss water. The locals were always trying to sell us shit, including weed, and I'm not much of a beach person anyway. I would rather have gone somewhere with cooler weather in August.

11/5/2007 10:40:30 PM

All American
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I would say that it's really not worth it unless you are a heavy drinker. That is where you can really start to recoup your costs.

And remember, they do have premium liquors that are not an extra charge, but you have to ask for them. Otherwise you will get whatever shitty well liquor they are serving.

I drank a lot of grey Goose and Crown Royal, which I know a lot of people will hate on, all week.

It's also fun to get wasted, fuck your wife, then when she passes out go drink some more and eat cheeseburgers at 4 am.

[Edited on November 5, 2007 at 10:52 PM. Reason : fuck that guy for LOLing at Sandals. Not everyone has loaded parents.]

11/5/2007 10:50:15 PM

All American
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Check. real nice. recommended if you have the $

11/5/2007 10:50:30 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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Quote :
"trolling me in an area outside of chit chat, which should be a suspendable offense."

hahaha...if that were true you'd have been banned from this site ages ago and on yet another $5 screen name.

11/6/2007 9:17:49 AM

4725 Posts
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Congrats, you weak-trolled. Feel better about yourself?

Do you have any comments on sandals resorts, or are you just going to be an annoying cunt like the 1 armed wonder up there?

11/6/2007 9:27:12 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"1 armed wonder"

about as old and unoriginal as calling you bald. i expected more from you

and my haha @ sandals wasn't a reference to their pricing as you incorrectly assumed, rather the crappy services they provide. I went on one of their resorts in the Bahamas, and the whole experience ranks in the top 3 worst vacations I've ever been on. Rude staff, bad food, watered-down drinks, and dirty hotel rooms were only a few of my complaints.

11/6/2007 9:38:32 AM

63151 Posts
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yeah the sandals i went to in jamiaca was HORRIBLE

11/6/2007 9:49:51 AM

4725 Posts
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Quote :
"about as old and unoriginal as calling you bald. i expected more from you"

Except I wasn't trolling you.

And it would have been helpful had you posted that feedback in the first place, rather than this petty post-stalking and trolling you've been doing for the past month or so.

11/6/2007 9:53:55 AM

All American
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My wife and I honeymooned at Sandals - Dunn's River in Jamaica and had a great time.

Everybody's a critic, but we thought the food was pretty good. We had breakfast delivered to our room every morning and there was only one restaurant where we didn't like the food all that much.

I think you actually get a pretty good deal, regardless if you drink yourself stupid. Our trip cost approximately $382/night and included everything (not the airfare, but the room, food, drinks, etc). We had an ocean view concierge room with 24 hr room service (great to have food delivered late as needed). Assuming the room would have been $150-$200 per night anywhere else, that leaves approx $200/day for all the food/drink you want (plus tips) for the two of us - and we did drink quite a bit, so I know we would have spent over $100/day on alcohol. Oh, and the transfer from the airport was also included (approx 2 hr ride though - only downside to us).

Anyways, we're beach bums, so drinkin all day on the beach fit us perfectly. I would highly recommend it, we had a great time there.

FWIW, if you are looking at Sandals in general, we met a couple that had stayed at 5-6 of them and they liked Dunn's River the best overall.

PM me if you're interested in talking to an agent, she was very good - she stayed on top of things for us and prepared us for every part of the trip.

11/6/2007 10:37:02 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"it's just joebrainless trolling me in an area outside of chit chat, which should be a suspendable offense."


thats rich.

11/6/2007 11:26:24 AM

All American
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i'm going to sandals in negril in a few weeks.....if it's even remotely decent, it'll be worth it. just over $1,400 for 5 nights 6 days all inclusive: trip insurance, plane tix, room, scuba, water sports, drinks, food, transportation to and from airport ect...

can't beat $285/day for all that.

11/6/2007 12:02:48 PM

Neil Street
All American
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Go with your boss!

[Edited on November 6, 2007 at 12:14 PM. Reason : .]

11/6/2007 12:14:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"my bro got married at Beaches (part of Sandals I believe) resort in Jamaica... the rest of the fam stayed at a Sandals. They all loved it minus the ride through impoverished Jamaica.

So we are going next year, but sticking to Montego Bay since it is right next to the airport and we do not have to travel through the countryside... it's just nice having everything included and already taken care of."

for the love of god dont go to montego bay, that place is such a shithole

their "strip" is run down and dirty, you have to pay to go to the nicer beaches, random jamaicans will try to sell you every drug known to man, the bars and restaurants are overpriced for shitty food and watered down drinks

If it wasnt for having great company while I was there I wouldve tried to leave early

11/6/2007 12:22:51 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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Quote :
"Congrats, you weak-trolled. Feel better about yourself?

Do you have any comments on sandals resorts, or are you just going to be an annoying cunt like the 1 armed wonder up there?"

All i'm hearing from you is

11/6/2007 12:26:45 PM

All American
701 Posts
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forget Sandals...hit up Couples Negril

11/6/2007 12:40:11 PM

All American
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my wife and I went to Sandals St. Lucia last summer for our honeymoon. We stayed at the Halcyon but there are three there and you can got eat and hang out at all three with a shuttle. I have heard of the problems in Jamaica, but St. Lucia is amazing and the locals are cool, we honestly did not worry about being hassled or anything.

It was pretty expensive, but for the all inclusiveness, plus around 15 restaurants combined within all three resorts, it was amazing. I recommend it to everyone, because it makes things really easy. They have excursions you can go on, it's close to the action outside of the resort, there are great beaches, and the people of St. Lucia were all around really great (not just the Sandals staff).

Go stay at the Sandals in St. Lucia, you will not regret it. My only word of caution is to not stay at the one with the golf resort unless golf is your thing, it seemed to be a much older crowd there and it wasn't as cool as the Halcyon (a tropical garden/beach resort) or the other one that I can't remember the name of, but the one on the end of the island is like a serious water/beach resort beside a national park that is awesome, plus that one is really new. So don't stay at the golf one, and you'll love it.

[Edited on November 6, 2007 at 12:46 PM. Reason : i want to go back]

11/6/2007 12:45:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but the only beer they have is Red Stripe, which is piss water."

i guess you were looking for bud light?

Quote :
"The food was the most dissapointing thing about the resort."

that's a consistent complaint about sandals resorts. people who like mediocre food don't mind the place.

11/6/2007 12:48:07 PM

147487 Posts
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red strip always gives me a headache when i wake up the next morning...even if i drink 1 or 2

i think sandals sucks cause that commercial with the song from dirty dancing

11/6/2007 12:53:05 PM

All American
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the food wasn't horrible. We ate at a French restaurant and a Japanese steakhouse that were really good. You have to think about it too, it's easy to complain here, but when you are 10 feet from a Carribean beach, it's hard to really care if that steak was cooked to perfection.

Also, they had other beer you could buy there that was not included. Though they had Red Strip, Guinness and a pretty good local beer called Piton. Those three were free and always flowing. Also, free fruity drinks, and if you are worried about them watering down, order a shot or buy your own alcohol at the duty free shop.

11/6/2007 12:58:56 PM

All American
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^Were mixed drinks included in the free shit?

11/6/2007 1:03:36 PM

All American
636 Posts
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Quote :
"for the love of god dont go to montego bay, that place is such a shithole"

it did look pretty shitty from our shuttle to the airport - plus i don't think i'd want to hear planes overhead every few minutes while on the beach

Quote :
"I have heard of the problems in Jamaica"

you won't have any problems if you stay on the resort property (and we didn't have a reason to leave anyways) - i rented a jet ski from a local that would ride around in front of the resort and he was cool (did try to sell me weed when I returned it) "hey, you want some party stuff"

11/6/2007 1:07:50 PM

All American
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mixed drinks are included, and leaving the resort in St. Lucia is supposedly not nearly as dangerous as it is in Jamaica. I understand they have a fairly low crime rate in St. Lucia due to a pretty good economy.

11/6/2007 1:15:29 PM

All American
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Def. don't stay in Montego Bay. I stayed there on my honeymoon and the airplane noise got old fast. They invented this gay thing that every time you hear and airplane take off/land, wave hi or by to them and say ayree...There was some other stuff that pissed me off too. The whole resort was filthy, the food was subpar for what we paid to stay there, and we nearly got robbed several times when we went into town to go shopping.

This was the 'oceanfront room' we paid extra for (they moved us to an actual oceanfront room after we complained)

This is a random photo of the staff getting a 2wd truck stuck in the ocean unloading a boat:

[Edited on November 7, 2007 at 6:18 AM. Reason : links]

11/7/2007 6:13:50 AM

Neil Street
All American
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^ It's not their fault. They were just following the instructions that they found online:

11/7/2007 9:43:23 AM

All American
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glad to hear the good reviews of Sandals St. Lucia...thats where we are going for our honeymoon

11/7/2007 11:03:44 AM

11097 Posts
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Yeah I am going to St. Lucia for my honeymoon as well. Kyle, the other resort you are thinking of is The Grande which is where you told us we should stay. Also, I thought you told me Heineken was their free beer. Did you mix that up with Red Stripe?

11/7/2007 8:49:21 PM

All American
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Had a friend go on his honeymoon to st lucia, he really liked it.

11/7/2007 8:54:44 PM

11097 Posts
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^Yeah I have only heard great things about it. I was surprised when I got on here and saw bad reviews.

11/7/2007 8:56:25 PM

All American
1999 Posts
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I had a good friend do his honeymoon in St. Lucia at Sandals and had great things to say. We're dropping in there on our cruise at the end of the month. I've heard great things about the island in general. We were in Mo Bay last year on our cruise and the place is a freaking dive, horrible, I will not ever step foot in mo bay again. I had another friend that honeymooned in either Mo Bay or Ocho Rios at sandals and hated it, said it was the worst vacation/trip he had ever made.

I'd say just pick wisely, cheapest doesn't always mean it's the best. We have seemed to take a fondness to cruising to different places, finding where we liked and then planning land vacations to those places. Best of both worlds, and you get to see a lot of places

11/7/2007 9:28:47 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
14177 Posts
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Quote :
"cheapest doesn't always mean it's the best"

That just made me lol...

Well I am going to Mo bay next year Kinda scared now, but I think I will make myself like it. The other places are just out of our budget

11/7/2007 9:31:08 PM

11097 Posts
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I had fun in Jamaica (Negril) but there were times i felt unsafe. Definately stay on the resort and be careful on the beach at night as well. This was just for Spring Break not a honeymoon so the main activities were drinking.

11/7/2007 9:53:29 PM

Starting Lineup
73 Posts
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White House in Jamaica was awesome. Drank and ate a lot. It was the best vacation I have ever had. Good honeymoon spot.

11/12/2007 8:47:06 AM

All American
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hmm...I don't recall ever not being safe in Jamaica. I went back in 97 on a missions trip and we spent a lot of time in really poor areas....we also went sight seeing pretty much everywhere. (Stayed in Montego Bay)

11/12/2007 12:01:39 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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Any updates since 2007?

I am really considering the St. Lucia Sandals for a getaway with wifey.

So what's the new news on Sandals?

5/15/2013 8:12:53 PM

The E Man
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why don't you take a carnival cruise to get there.

5/15/2013 9:33:18 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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i do see what you did there, however i do not appreciate it.

would you suggest hiking through the mountains of China for a relaxing getaway?

5/15/2013 9:49:31 PM

All American
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Went to Sandals Negril back in March for my Honeymoon.

We found the food to be really good. I wasn't a huge fan of the room-service food, but I liked all of the restaurants we ate at(think we ate at all but 1 of them). I had never really drank Red Stripe before the trip but I ended up enjoying it, but I basically just drank that on the beach and whenever I made it over to an area with a bar I just tried random drinks until I found stuff I liked. All-Inclusive is great.

I definitely felt 100% safe the whole time. Yeah we'd have the occasional person walk by trying to sell stuff, but they were never really pushy, plus a guy came by with a guitar and played some music and he was actually really cool to chat with, we tipped him for his time.

We had the Butler service...totally worth it. It was great each morning waking up to coffee served on the back patio, having the room decorated each evening to add to the "romantic atmosphere", getting any reservation we wanted(when other guests openly complained to us about not being able to get reservations despite calling 2-3 days ahead and we called the day of), and each morning having beach chairs reserved for us and our cooler packed with whatever we wanted. Plus they'd just randomly drop off food or snacks at your room or your beach chair and give you a heads up. We went for a walk, came back to a nice jerk chicken pizza that had just been delivered for us. Hit the spot.

Plus I actually really enjoyed the social aspect of it. I really loved spending time with my new wife, but it was nice to meet people and really have good conversations out on the beach or at various activities in the evening. Was glad no kids or singles allowed there either, because you didn't have to worry about crying babies, kids being annoying, or any sketchy people trying to hit on you or your s/o.

Wife was already hitting me up about possible next destinations while we were on the trip. Thinking St. Lucia or Sandals Whitehouse. Met a surgeon on the beach who sat next to us who had some really cool Vietnam stories, ended up telling us that he has been to several of the Sandals resorts and his favorite "by-far" was Sandals Whitehouse in Jamaica, and then he also recommended St. Lucia.

5/16/2013 7:48:58 AM

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