The three movies, plus the bonus material dvd, all in a nice little box. in absolute perfect condition. I'm a big fan of the movies, but i'm pretty much broke at the moment.Sells in the store for about $70, so I was hoping to get $35-40 because it's in the same condition. I've literally only opened it once.
8/28/2007 9:22:17 AM
8/28/2007 10:33:14 AM
8/28/2007 12:02:07 PM
8/28/2007 2:03:27 PM
Sells in the store for about $70 $35
8/28/2007 2:25:24 PM
really? $21
8/28/2007 2:46:17 PM
hey guys, i'm sorry about that. seriously, honest mistake. I got it like a year ago and it was $69.99 when I bought it. I saw it some time after that and it was still the same price, so I just assumed it had stayed the same.I was curious, so I looked it up online and it's around $35-40 now in stores. you're right. so yeah, ignore what I said before. Highest bid is $21, I'll let this go until tomorrow. Thanks again.
8/28/2007 3:29:36 PM
one last bump!
8/29/2007 8:49:40 AM
8/30/2007 12:57:36 PM
8/30/2007 2:19:05 PM
$25, if you deliver (near rbc)
8/30/2007 7:06:31 PM