Any BMW guys on here that know what might be the cause for the speedometer in my 1999 M3 (E36) to go up to 57 mph and stay there, no matter how fast I am going?I am thinking the speed sensor, so if that's the case, am I lookin' at eleventy billion dollars to get it fixed?
7/14/2007 5:29:39 PM
speed sensor wouldn't cause that, instrument cluster board will, and yes
7/14/2007 10:34:47 PM
you can get a complete instrument cluster for >$200
7/14/2007 10:37:42 PM
^ except the crackheads scratch it all up when they rip it out, you can jew them down to $20
7/14/2007 10:39:40 PM
you can get one new in the box for >$200
7/14/2007 10:41:31 PM
there is a place in GSO that can repair any speedo in any cluster, but i forget the name...
7/14/2007 11:33:11 PM
From what I have read, the instrument cluster is two screws and two cable clusters.... so why would it cost eleventy billion dollars?And also, why would the speed sensor cause this? The car has been rear-ended before...
7/15/2007 3:40:19 PM
Half the rigs I've ever driven didn't have a working speedometer. Just use a GPS and guage your gear/rpm's and you're fine. No Expense needed.
7/15/2007 4:26:48 PM
I'm fine with that... but I would prefer to have a speedometer.
7/15/2007 6:29:18 PM
a hall effect sensor can't "stick" on a constant value
7/15/2007 7:15:08 PM
i understand wanting to have a speedometer, but technically if you go slower than the fastest car on the road you wont get a ticket
7/15/2007 7:36:12 PM