Hi! I have put together a quick survey, please fill it out if you have a second!Thanks!http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=ostfKy_2bCCyyMvXxevPdsgw_3d_3d
7/4/2007 5:33:28 PM
stop cross posting
7/4/2007 5:36:55 PM
tell me, what makes you think this is so important that it needs two threads?and what makes you think this one is more clever than the first one that got moved from Lounge to Chit Chat?and why wont you answer the questions asked in your first post?message_topic.aspx?topic=484528i notice that this time, you dont claim that by answering your survey, "it will help colleges point you in the right direction to find help!" ... why did you leave that part out?
7/4/2007 6:59:53 PM
7/5/2007 12:59:44 AM