I have been having a problem where I attempt to go to websites where I have a good URL & the site is sometimes even stored in favorites (as in been there before), but instead of going to the site, I get redirected to google image search. In the google search bar, the URL of the website I was attempting to reach has been entered into the search bar and an image search based upon that URL was carried out.I've had this issue for about 2 months and I've done some searching with no luck. Any ideas?
6/26/2007 11:53:06 AM
Do you have Google toolbar installed by any chance? I think you could probably get google toolbar to behave the way you're describing if you futzed with the settings enough.
6/26/2007 12:05:21 PM
Not google toolbar, but I have google desktop.
6/26/2007 3:18:35 PM