This is quality fur from a well feed, family dog. I assume, the skins from an animal about 5 or 6 years old. It's possibilities include, a covering for your old dog (I'm not willing to trade skins)Kite material, who ever wanted a skin kite!?Parts for a fur costume.I'm selling it in sections. PM me if you're interest, I won't hear offers from residents of Gorman.
6/21/2007 10:32:39 PM mean
6/21/2007 10:33:55 PM
has it been tanned or just salted?and do you know anyone that makes ferret bbq?
6/21/2007 10:37:35 PM
if you consider making it into a nice hat, I would definately be interested
6/21/2007 11:04:39 PM