Can't pay very well but can guarantee you will get a great portfolio out of it. Mainly small jobs, flyers, banners, etc but some major stuff every now and again (20 page program)Work from your computer, no selling and very little dealing with end users required.PM me or call 919-906-0424
6/18/2007 6:24:02 PM
6/18/2007 6:31:10 PM
I guess it all depends.. Is $100 a week good or bad?
6/18/2007 6:34:40 PM
a week? for how much work? 100 a week for 5 hours of work is okay
6/18/2007 6:43:45 PM
depends on how long it takes you I guess. Like right now I need a lot done so my primary designer is working hard on a few things for example1 aa logo for a new event (done)2 a promotional flyer 4" x 5.5" (hopefully will be done by midnight tonight)3 letterhead using the logo (done)4 by friday I will need a few graphics for a tri-fold tabletop displayThe only problem is I need all this stuff for 3 really 4 different projects all done at the same time by Friday and his summer classes and other projects have completely overwhelmed him so he is basically unable to help me.If you think you can help I'll be happy to pay. I also have some basic basic website images that I need done based on all of the above... Basically I do all the text and just need someone to do some snazzy graphics to get people's attention...Let me know.
6/18/2007 6:50:20 PM
If only illegal immigrants did graphic design work...(free bump)
6/18/2007 7:48:24 PM
Pretty much everything we do is for non-profits and paid for our of my pocket to help them out.. hence the extremely low design fees.I have been working with my current designer for coming up on 3 years. His first designs were very basic and he had only a basic portfolio full of hand drawn stuff. Now he has everything from website templates and flyers to news paper ads and 20 page full color programs that have been published.Everything he does is top notch and he is ready to graduate and get a great job. I'd love to start working with another student if possible. I know someone out there is looking for exposure and I'd love to give them some so feel free to message me if interested!It also helps if you are interested in the video game industry.
6/18/2007 8:10:46 PM