one of my 512mb sticks is done... stick a fork in it.... doesn't show up in the BIOS and it's not the socket (moved it around)gogo RMA!
5/22/2007 9:58:00 AM
thx for the update
5/22/2007 10:12:43 AM
5/22/2007 2:53:23 PM
it was just odd.... it just stopped working... no warning, no smell, no errors, just nothing
5/22/2007 4:28:33 PM
Would you expect any of that with bad memory?
5/22/2007 4:43:08 PM
would you like a "dear john" letter from the ram to tell you it's leaving you forever?
5/22/2007 8:17:06 PM
That's why you go kingston....How long have you been using the stick, anyway?
5/22/2007 9:45:43 PM
this pair is probably ~2 years old or so....^^ yes!
5/24/2007 8:53:28 AM
can you RMA something after 2 years? I thought RMA was for returning defective stuff... although i dont remember what it stands for
5/24/2007 10:35:23 AM
I had a stick of 512mb Corsair go bad last month so I tossed it. Then I found my receipt... it had a lifetime warranty even though it was the cheap-ass Value Select ram. Oh well, at least I have an excuse to go to higher density dimms now. Hit up their website, you have to open a 'case' with them, but sounds like they'll give you an RMA number if you explain what you've done to troubleshoot. -- Dave
5/24/2007 2:57:18 PM
corsair has a lifetime warranty. Very good chance that they'll replace it.Go through the steps listed here
5/24/2007 3:19:43 PM
they did.... waiting on the automated RMA thing to spit info back to me...
5/25/2007 8:49:39 AM
my ValuSelect just crapped on metwo sticks
5/25/2007 9:46:38 AM
I have 2X 1 gig sticks of gskill in my newer box, and 2 512 sticks of Kingston, I found that kingston gets on more or less all the QVL lists, in my case i could not boot with the Gskill till i booted with the kingston and changed the bios settings for memmory voltages. Gotta love finicky mohterboards. Just scoop up some kingston cheap, and run memtest once a year or so to keep an eye on it. I have kingston and crucial sticks that are 5-8 years old, never bought any corsair so good luck.
5/26/2007 12:47:18 AM