The back window in my S2000 is getting pretty foggy. Meguires plastic polish isn't helping. I've never heard of anyone doing this on a convertible top, but I was thinking of wet sanding it with 2000 grit. I've had great luck wet sanding plastics in the past, but never anything as soft as a window.Anyone ever done this or know someone who has? Just wondering how it will turn out.
5/16/2007 2:16:14 PM
im guessing that 2000 grit would still leave scratches. I had the same problem with jeep windows. Never found a way to fix them.
5/16/2007 7:01:12 PM
use 2000 grit. but you kinda have to have a feel for it. too hard and you'll screw it up.but its possible, ive had my headlights done..its worth a try i guessthen you gotta buff it out
5/16/2007 7:48:50 PM