I'm really horrid when it comes to using paint shop programs, so I'm hoping someone can help me here. I'm designing a logo for a fake business I've created for my finance class, basically it's a chin with a tartan hat. Well, I've got the image of a hat I want, and the little pic of a chin, but I can't figure out how to get the hat on the chin's head without the white background showing, and how to resize the hat so it doesn't overpower the chin's head. All I have is measly paint, so that might be part of my problem. Can anyone offer any help? Or recommend a paint program to download? I surfed through cnet, but who knows which one works for what I need.
4/24/2007 3:22:41 PM
pm sent^
4/24/2007 3:26:41 PM
Ahh, thanks for moving it. Wasn't really sure if it was Lounge or Tech material. I feel like a goober.
4/24/2007 3:29:46 PM
how big do you want the hat to be?
4/24/2007 3:34:31 PM
you really should check out GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)http://www.gimp.org/windows/its the next best thing to the full version Adobe Photoshop.but with Price = Free, and tons of online support/tutorials, i'd say it's better.
4/24/2007 3:51:30 PM