what up with this stuff.how come my yards got more weed than whitney houston.whats the 411 yo, how do i get this $h!t looking like the astro turf b.
4/4/2007 10:40:54 PM
4/4/2007 10:42:40 PM
I tried for a year to get my yard looking good. I've finally admitted defeat and hired Scott's to come out 6 or 7 times a year and spray and fertilize my yard. I've had one treatment and I can see some improvement already
4/4/2007 10:44:12 PM
how hard could it be...
4/4/2007 10:45:00 PM
a lot harder than you think!chances are you put something down that actually triggered weeds. All the lawns in my neighborhood that use chemlawn look bank. mine looks like britney's weave.
4/4/2007 10:48:11 PM
thanks for the golden egg!
4/4/2007 10:51:02 PM
whats chemlawn? right now we use pedros grass cutting and painting services.
4/4/2007 10:51:16 PM
^exactlymy neighbor behind me has the perfect lawn and he uses chemlawn. I tried putting down weed killer and fertilizer last year and it didn't do shit. Seemed like I made it worse.
4/4/2007 10:51:59 PM
Yep - I used everything Scott's told me to when they told me to and my lawn came back with weeds like whoa - and different ones than I had ever seen. I had thick flower stalks and spreading cloverlike stuff.
4/4/2007 10:54:34 PM
chemlawn is a weed control and fertilizing company. They come out every 6 weeks and spray the entire yard with a weed killer and spread the correct fertilizer for the time of year. they leave notes on your door for stuff you need to do such as watering, mowing, etc. They will also aerate your yard and spreed seed in the fall
4/4/2007 11:05:37 PM
Its spring so the weeds are out in full force, if you kill the weeds you'll have bare patches. Its best to get rid of them now. Reseeding now probably isn't the best idea. But let it keep growing and thicken up before it gets too hot. Fertilize and water. Also cut the grass at a higher setting on the lawnmower. Lawn weeds like full sun...if the grass is tall enough to cast a good shade...many weeds won't stand a chance.
4/4/2007 11:14:24 PM
go to kilgore and buy some stuffthey took the orange dirt in front of fox and turned it into the thickest greenest shortest grass i've ever seen in about 3 weeks. its a miracle the stuff they do in the turf science department. looks better than a golf course.
4/4/2007 11:28:24 PM
4/5/2007 2:20:45 AM
eggz can be laid in the grass
4/5/2007 2:56:06 AM
They should make this for lawns.
4/5/2007 11:52:20 AM
This thread makes me want a yard of my own.
4/5/2007 11:53:45 AM
4/5/2007 12:48:07 PM
What is the going rate for service from Scotts or Chemlawn?
4/5/2007 12:56:44 PM
Weeds are best controlled with a preemergent herbicide, like Halts. That combines with good fertilizing and spot treatment of weeds should keep your lawn nice. If you want it to look like turf and help prevent weeds then look into switching to a grass like Zoysia. It chokes out weeds because of its dense base.
4/5/2007 12:59:50 PM
^Is now the right time to use a pre-emergent or is it too late? I know turf people use a soil thermometer for this. Is there another way to guage it?
4/5/2007 1:03:55 PM
You can put Halts out now. Most people say get it out in early March for best results (it affects root establishment of the weeds so the earlier the better).Here is a very general calendar of what to do and when to do it. http://www.turffiles.ncsu.edu/pubs/management/ag367.htmlYou can find more detailed directions with specific product names on forums like lawncare.com and gardenweb.com
4/5/2007 1:34:58 PM
We just closed on our house today in Holly Springs (woo!) and when we came to first look at it, we were like "wow, this yard smokes the ones around it."Turns out the folks that we bought it from used ChemLawn. I didn't ask how much they charged, but seriously our new yard is bank. I've gotta figure out how to keep it that way, if possible, without hiring those presumably pricey ChemLawn guys to keep it up.
4/5/2007 4:12:44 PM
Where in the HSP?
4/5/2007 4:28:19 PM