STS322- Technological Catastrophes (K EARNSHAW)ENT203- bees and beekeeping (JTAMBROSE)NTR301- Intro. to Human Nutrition (GMATSEY)This will be my last class before I graduate. I know the NTR info very well so the only issue there is doing the work if there is any.Bees and beekeeping - i imagine that one is an easy A? (but it's at 8am)Are there any assignments?So if you've had any these classes in the summer or with the noted instructor, how was it? Obviously none of these classes are difficult material wise, I just don't want to be doing a lot of busy work.Ideally I'd like there to be zero assignments, just tests.
3/21/2007 8:50:23 PM
ENT203 with Ambrose is great. Easy A, there is not a required book and all tests are very straight forward. The only attendance taken is 3 pop quizzes.
3/21/2007 8:56:35 PM
I had STS 322 with Earnshaw last semester. Interesting class. There was a team project , midterm and final. You have to get the book and read the material though to do well on the exams but it's still a great class to take.
3/21/2007 10:14:45 PM