I'm suggesting a new guideline that can be added to the posting guidelines section under site info.It should read: Don't feed the trolls.I have to remind myself of this daily when I'm tempted to reply to something asinine. Afterall, trolls are like attention whores. If you ignore them, they'll eventually go away. Killing them is also effective, but I've not yet devised a method to deliver death via the internet to a specific target.
3/14/2007 4:55:55 PM
without them, tww would suck
3/14/2007 5:23:34 PM
TWW=Trolls Welcomed Weekly.
3/14/2007 5:37:03 PM
i actually don't think I know the exACT definition of troll.
3/14/2007 4:52:28 PM
If you posted this then you're feeding the trolls ad infinitum.
3/14/2007 5:12:34 PM
Trolls are like porn... I know it when I see it.
3/14/2007 5:25:31 PM
You jerk off when you see trolls?
3/14/2007 7:04:47 PM
3/14/2007 7:46:34 PM
3/14/2007 10:35:36 PM
3/15/2007 8:14:53 AM