THEY HAVE ALLLLL THE RELEVANT WEB SPECS, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ASK TWW HOW TO WRITE HTML, YOU JUST NEED TO SPEND A FEW MINUTES HELPING YOUR HELPLESS FUCKING SELFNO, IT'S NOT A SPECIAL CASE BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT DONE BEFORE, IT JUST MEANS YOU'RE AN IDIOT AND DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, READ THE FUCKING SPEC, FROM THE SPEC FLOWS LIFE AND CREATION AND HAPPINESSThis also applies to Java, which has one of the most well-documented APIs I've ever seen ( It never ceases to amaze me that with Eclipse, that fucking bible of API official documentation, and an Internet full of hints and tricks, day in and day out this section is full of copy+paste thread title = first result first page Googlefodder.You people disgust me.
3/5/2007 9:07:39 AM
3/5/2007 9:17:32 AM
Here is a water hose. Please use it to wash the sand out of your vagina. Thanks.
3/5/2007 9:17:52 AM
lock this shit. Nothing worse than an internerd getting uppity.
3/5/2007 9:19:34 AM