i searched for threads using "what" in the garage. i got an error page.search with "whats" and you get results. or use "whatsdd" and you get results.so what's up?
2/15/2007 7:23:00 PM
2/15/2007 7:29:39 PM
whoops... sorry
2/15/2007 7:30:34 PM
for awhile now it hasnt been possible to search for a post by using a keyword...just a thread titlei guess words like 'what' (and maybe 'the' or 'is') are just too general?
2/15/2007 8:09:56 PM
i was talking about thread titles is my original post.yeah maybe they are too general, but it should say so, not give the oh shit error page.
2/15/2007 8:12:03 PM
Looks like its balking at queries that return too many results ... try anything on http://www.world-english.org/english500.htm for fun.And I think its intentional ... rather than having a "you dumbfuck, this is not Google, be more specific" page, it just goes to the OH SHIT page.
2/15/2007 8:59:27 PM
^10/10 post
3/3/2007 3:45:43 AM
TWW search is half broke.and the other half dont work real well.
3/3/2007 5:29:36 AM
you people
3/3/2007 1:31:18 PM
if you really want to see what a nice piece of software CrazyWeb is, write a script to search for random common words to overload the back-end, then observe all the race conditions that become evident with the increased transactional latencyyou'll find such fun artifacts as flood control breaking down resulting in intentional dupe posts, and another one I haven't quite figured out which seems to cause unintentional dupe postsI'm sure if you poked around enough at CrazyWeb when it was under such stress you could probably do just about anything if you knew where to look, the authors of this fine software seem to lack an understanding of the relevance of proper parallel programming as it applies to a web application which, on occassion, will service multiple requests in parallel [/CrazyWeb hating]
3/4/2007 3:38:03 PM