I need someone to give me a quick 30-45 min tutorial on flash.will pay $15...that's all I have.
1/31/2007 9:44:29 PM
What do you want to do with Flash? Make little movies? Script to make dynamic menus? You can do a lot with Flash and you won't learn much of real use is lesss than an hour... or a day for that matter.
1/31/2007 10:22:43 PM
don't need anything fancy.....just need to make a small presentation...slides...work with slides, text, images...with some cool transitions?
1/31/2007 10:25:37 PM
why do you need, or think you need, flash. powerpoint is quite powerful for that kind of stuff
1/31/2007 10:33:20 PM
not a personal presentation...need it for work...anyone?..
1/31/2007 10:36:07 PM
not to continue to push you into doing something you dont' want to - but personal or work, doesn't matter. PPT can still do a lot of powerful stuff. Save it as a PPS and it will open right up into a presentation
1/31/2007 10:38:11 PM