Recently my laptop completely failed. I've tried all of the normal diagnostics and I'm pretty sure that there has been a major hardware failure of some sort. My insurance covers certain types of failures but I need to have a reputable source examine my computer, determine the cause of failure and have that statement notorized for my insurance. Where is the best place to have this done?
1/28/2007 3:37:40 PM
if your a student, you can call up some ncsu tech support. They should provide free service to diagnose the problem. If your not, there's a lot of various tech supports in the area you could call up, but they'll charge you an arm and a leg for service. Tell us the manufacturer, specs, and how old it is. If its 2 yrs or older, might not be worth it to get it fixed.
1/28/2007 5:07:40 PM
I was thinking about calling the NCSU tech support. Its definitely not worth fixing, but pending certain conditions my insurance will replace it with one of equal value at the time I bought it (~$3,000). Isn't the number for tech support 515-HELP?
1/28/2007 7:00:27 PM
Intex might be able to help you.
1/28/2007 7:07:07 PM
^Where are they located? How much do you think they'll charge me?
1/28/2007 7:09:29 PM
1/28/2007 7:14:28 PM