I saw a video/flash-animation online years ago that showed how packets and the IP protocol worked, as though they were little packages on a big assembly line and all that stuffanyone know where that is?
1/5/2007 3:01:43 PM
1/5/2007 3:36:01 PM
pretty sure there aren't any cute little videos on that webpage...
1/5/2007 4:32:53 PM
I think the video was even posted on tech talk... thread would've been deleted long ago though.it was pretty cool and simplified things for the layman but still gave a very thorough explanation of TCP/IP etc
1/5/2007 5:04:01 PM
found it, no thx 2 u boneheadsWarriors of the Nethttp://www.warriorsofthe.net/[old]
1/5/2007 5:53:44 PM