Worth it? If you want to be extra careful? I may end up putting mine in my entertainment center so I guess any extra ventilation will help....
12/27/2006 11:25:04 AM
No. there have been various reports of them burning up and voiding the warranty
12/27/2006 11:33:10 AM
The extra cooling fans burning the 360 up?
12/27/2006 11:47:33 AM
More specifically, the cooling fan you attach to the back of the 360 fuses to the box...So no, they're not worth it.The best advice is to keep your 360 away from other components. Don't stack it on top of or under anything. Try to give it its own shelf and some space behind the box. The 360 doesn't have as much of an overheating problem as idiots on the Internet claim. Just use some common sense and give it some room.
12/27/2006 12:23:39 PM
The problem I've heard with a lot of those is that they drain their power from the 360, which ends up giving it less power than it needs, which fucks it all up. Just run it under normal circumstances, if it overheats or fucks up, it's MS's fault
12/27/2006 1:32:12 PM
Thank you all. [/thread]
12/27/2006 3:52:30 PM